Laying the foundation for state building, repatriation and law post-conflict
Trusteeship Remodelled for Conflict Management: foundation of Jus Post Bellum
Publication Profile
The purpose of this work is to establish a legal framework that attributes rights and responsibilities to actors involved in conflict, whether of an international or non-international nature. The framework proposed is that of a Resulting Trust. A Resulting Trust is a type of trust in which the Trustee is also a beneficiary of that trust. The rationale for having such a framework apply in the context of conflict management is three-fold: (1) the parties at a negotiation table would be given a voice and formal recognition as a "trustee", "co-trustee" and "beneficiary"; (2) this structure would bring some sense of order and discipline to the process of conflict resolution; and (3) the framework establishes rights and duties which all three parties to the trust can enforce in law.